About Us

About Us

WHO WE ARE. Christians.

  • We've no denominational affiliation, no governing association.
  • We wear simply the name of Jesus Christ.
  • We acknowledge Him alone as our governing Head.
  • We are simply Christians. (Col 3:17Gal 6:141 Pet 4:14-16)


  • Not part of the Bible. All of it, and the Bible alone.
  • We've no creed. No catechism.
  • We preach, teach, read, recommend and seek to know and live the words God gave.
  • All of them.
  • We simply believe the Bible. (2 Tim 3:16-172 John 1:9Rev 22:18-19)

WHAT WE OFFER. Spirituality.

  • Preaching that convicts, exhorts, instructs, and encourages.
  • Bible classes that are practical, informative and stimulating for all ages.
  • An atmosphere for building better character and nurturing better homes.
  • Worship that is spirited, reverent, and God-centered.
  • A spiritual family committed to God, each other, evangelism, and a heavenly hope.
  • Simple spirituality. (2 Tim 4:21 Pet 4:10-11Rom 12:9-13)
  1. Sun AM Worship
    7/28/24 09:00am
  2. Sun PM Worship
    7/28/24 06:00pm
  3. Wed PM Bible Study
    7/31/24 07:00pm
  4. Sun AM Worship
    8/4/24 09:00am
  5. Sun PM Worship
    8/4/24 06:00pm
  6. View Full Calendar